Metasploit Framework Environment Variables =========================================== User-provided options are usually in UPPERCASE, with the exception of advanced options, which are usually Mixed-Case. Framework-level options are usually in Mixed-Case, internal variables are usually _prefixed with an underscore. [ General ] EnablePython - This variable defines whether the external payloads (written in python and using InlineEgg) are enabled. These payloads are disabled by default to reduce delay during module loading. If you plan on developing or using payloads which use the InlineEgg library, makes sure this variable is set. DebugLevel - This variable is used to control the verbosity of debugging messages provided by the components of the Framework. Setting this value to 0 will prevent debugging messages from being displayed (default). The highest practical value is 5. Logging - This variable determines whether all actions and successful exploit sessions should be logged. The actions logged include all attempts to run either exploit() or check() functions within an exploit module. The session logs contain the exact time each command and response was sent over a successful exploit session. The session logs can be viewed with the 'msflogdump' command. LogDir - This variable configures the directory used for session logs. It defaults to the logs subdirectory inside of ~/.msf. AlternateExit - Prevents a buggy perl interpreter from causing the Framework to segfault on exit. Set this value to '2' to avoid 'Segmentation fault' messages on exit. [ Sockets ] UdpSourceIp - Force all UDP requests to use this source IP address (spoof) ForceSSL - Force all TCP connections to use SSL ConnectTimeout - Standard socket connect timeout RecvTimeout - Timeout for Recv(-1) calls RecvTimeoutLoop - Timeout for the Recv(-1) loop after inital data Proxies - This variable can be set to enable various proxy modes for TCP sockets. The syntax of the proxy string should be TYPE:HOST:PORT:, with each proxy seperated by a comma. The proxies will be used in the order specified. [ Encoders ] Encoder - Used to select a specific encoder (full path) EncoderDontFallThrough - Do not continue of the specified Encoder module fails [ Nops ] Nop - Used to select a specific Nop module (full path) NopDontFallThrough - Do not continue of the specifed Nop module fails RandomNops - Randomize the x86 nop sled if possible [ Socket Ninja ] NinjaHost - Address of the socketNinja console NinjaPort - Port of the socketNinja console NinjaDontKill - Don't kill exploit after sN gets a connection (multi-own) [ Internal Variables ] These variables should never be set by the user or used within a module. _Exploits - Used to store a hash of loaded exploits _Payloads - Used to store a hash of loaded payloads _Nops - Used to store a hash of loaded nops _Encoders - Used to store a hash of loaded encoders _Exploit - Used to store currently selected exploit _Payload - Used to store currently selected payload _PayloadName - Name of currently selected payload _BrowserSocket - Used by msfweb to track the socket back to the browser _Console - Used to redefine the Console class between UI's _PrintLineBuffer - Used internally in msfweb _CacheDir - Used internally in msfweb _IconDir - Used internally in msfweb _Theme - Used internally in msfweb _Defanged - Used internally in msfweb _GhettoIPC - Used internally in msfweb _SessionOD - Used internally in msfweb